Upcoming Events

    • 27 April 2025
    • 30 April 2025
    • Marriott St. Louis Grand - St. Louis, Missouri

    NASASPS 2025 Annual Conference

    The National Association of State Administrators and Supervisors of Private Schools (NASASPS) is pleased to welcome you to the 2025 Annual Conference, April 27-30 in St. Louis, Missouri and invites you to join members of the post-secondary stakeholder community in discussing best practices and lessons learned.

    Visit the Annual Conference webpage to view the conference agenda.

    April 27-30, 2025
    Marriott St. Louis Grand
    800 Washington Ave,
    St. Louis, Missouri


    Registration Rates

    NASASPS Members Early Bird - $625.00 (Rate available until March 13, 2025)

    NASASPS Members - $675.00 (after March 13, 2025)

    Others/Non Members - $925.00

    SAN Members Early Bird - $625.00 (Rate available until March 13, 2025. Registration Code Required - Please check the SAN website for the SAN Member registration code.)

    SAN Members - $675.00 (after March 13, 2025)

    Conference Hotel:

    Marriott St. Louis Grand
    800 Washington Ave,
    St. Louis, MO 63101

    Click here to make your reservation in the 
    NASASPS Conference room block.

    NASASPS conference attendees are invited to reserve rooms at the conference hotel at that preferred rate of $179.00 a night plus all applicable taxes. The room block rate is available April 24-30 (checking out April 30). The rate is available until 6:00pm Eastern Time, April 5, 2025.

    Baseball Game Social Outing:

    Join your fellow conference attendees, on Sunday, April 27th, before our conference's opening reception, for an exciting baseball social outing! NASASPS has secured a limited number of seats to the St. Louis Cardinals vs. Milwaukee Brewers game on April 27th at 2:15 pm for NASASPS attendees. These tickets are in section 355 and are $25.90 + applicable fees. 

    To book your tickets, contact Josh Ashby of the St. Louis Cardinals ticket department at jashby@cardinals.com or 314-345-9582.  Please mention that you want tickets in the NASASPS area.

    Conference Scholarship Opportunities:

    NASASPS offers a very limited number of scholarships to member agencies that cannot cover attendee expenses. The deadline for applying for a scholarship is February 28.

    Awardees will be notified after the March Board of Directors meeting, scheduled for March 18th. Scholarship applicants are encouraged to register for the conference and procure a hotel room before applying for the scholarship.

    For sponsorship & exhibitor questions, please contact Matt Grayson.

    For programming questions, please contact Tora Stubberud-Dobbs.

    For hotel questions, please contact Candela Gomez.

    Cancellation Policy:

    Registrant substitutions are welcome. Cancellations must be received in writing by 45 days prior to the start of the event to receive a full refund. After that date, a $95 US service charge will be subtracted from all refunds. Cancellations received after two weeks prior to the start of the event are subject to the full registration fee. In cases of medical emergencies, family emergencies, natural disasters or other undue hardships that make travel impossible, the Board will review all requests and determine whether or not to grant a full or partial credit towards the next conference or event. These requests must be submitted in writing to Matt Grayson within two weeks after the end of the event.

    • 05 June 2025
    • 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
    • Virtual

    Adjusting Expectations: U.S. Department of Education Requirements for Changes of Ownership

    This panel has learned from experience that the U.S. Department of Education has recently adjusted their expectations related to state and accreditor documentation for schools going through a change in ownership.  We will discuss those changes and how states, accreditors, and the schools themselves can work together to successfully navigate the new challenges.  Even if institutions maintain good standing with the states, the Department may reject what is provided.  We will talk about challenges related to timing and resources and provide insight and suggestions for best practices.


    Katie Wendel, Thompson Coburn LLP

    Hope Watson, Thompson Coburn LLP

    Kevin LaMountain, Executive Director, Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary Education